Wednesday 31 March 2021

Day 44, Holy Thursday, 1 April Covenant



Day 44, Holy Thursday, 1 April


A covenant is, literally, a coming together – like two people when they marry; they pledge themselves to each other forever. God made a covenant with Noah, with Abraham and with the people of Israel. The sign of this covenant was the Passover meal in Egypt when ‘a lamb without blemish’ was sacrificed and shared by each family (Exodus 12:1-14). Later, in the desert, the implications of this sign were spelt out in the law given through Moses.

Today, Holy Thursday, the day before Jesus dies, we are given a new covenant, a new meal, the sharing in the bread and wine, signs of his sacrifice, of his presence among us and of our union – communion – with him (1 Cor 11:23-26).

The implications of this sign are spelt out in an action that shocks the gathered disciples. Jesus deliberately rises from the table and goes down on his knees before each of them and washes their feet. A little gesture? No, something highly significant and Peter and the others know it. They are appalled; ‘you will never wash my feet!’  Jesus is blunt with them. ‘If I do not wash your feet, then it is all over between us’ (John 13:1-15). ‘If you cannot grasp that my whole life has been one of service to you and to the world then we can’t go on. It is over.’ These are dramatic words but this is a dramatic moment. Jesus is about to enter into the greatest act of service of all: his willing offering of himself in suffering and death for the salvation of the world. Peter does not understand but his love for Jesus is such that he immediately withdraws his refusal.

The new covenant is one of service; our service of one another, our opening our hearts to people who are different from us, maybe even hostile to us. It means breaking down the barriers that divide us; it means a new heaven and a new earth.

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