Monday 30 December 2013


PRAYER MOMENT (This may be the last for some days as I am not sure of the internet where I will be).

Tuesday 30 December 2013


Pause. “Be silent; be still, before your God...”

Reading. “To those who accepted him he gave power to become children of God” (John 1:1-18)  

Reflection.  We end the year with the breath taking vision of the opening of John’s gospel. Where the synoptic writers get straight into detail of the temple and the stable John takes us back to “the beginning” of creation and beyond. As in the opening of the book of Genesis we are to imagine a void, a time when there was nothing. “All that came to be had life in him.” Not just human life but “power to become children of God”, that is to say, to share in the divine life. It is an awesome thought to end the year on and something on which to build our New Year. That young man, standing at the intersection selling juice cards, is also destined to share the life of God for ever, as are those people tricked and trafficked into migrating from Africa to Europe and Asia who end up in torture camps and squalor.

Prayer. Inspire us, your children, Lord, with your promise of the fullness of life as we enter a new year. Help us to see that we and all your people have this great destiny and help us to join hands in 2014 to make our society a place that reflects your image.Amen.

Sunday 29 December 2013



Monday 30 December 2013


Pause. “Be silent, be still, alone, empty before your God...”

Reading. “Anna came into the temple just at that moment and began to praise God; and she spoke of the child to all who looked forward to the deliverance of Jerusalem.” (Luke 2:36-40)  

Reflection.  Anna makes a brief appearance in Luke’s gospel like the widow of Nain. But unlike the widow she is given a lengthy introduction to establish her in the tradition of Israel as one who “looked forward.” The text says she looked for “the deliverance of Jerusalem” where the great city is a biblical focus for all human longing. A new year is always exciting – for a moment. Then we settle down to what goes for normal life. But it is a moment when the person of faith can come in touch with his or her deepest longing, when they can look forward to “deliverance” as a woman looks forward to the birth of her child. It may be a personal deliverance or a national one or even a global one, Straining forward in hope is what makes us human.   

Prayer. Lord, as we approach a new year, fill us with hope in your promises. As we rejoice in the birth of your Son as one of us give us the confidence to know what it means that he is with us. Amen.

Friday 27 December 2013



Saturday 28 December 2013


Pause. “Be silent, be still, alone, empty before your God...”

Reading. “Rachel was weeping for her children, refusing to be comforted because they were no more.” (Matt 2:13-18)  

Reflection.  The Assyria invasions in the time of Jeremiah ravaged the country and children were massacred. Now, at the time of Jesus’ birth, a Jewish leader massacres children in an attempt to do away with Jesus who he sees as a threat. Innocent children dying and mothers weeping is something repeated in every war, famine, epidemic (HIV/AIDS) or flood. In every age children bear the weight of the decisions of adults. Their lives are frustrated or ruined before they can even begin. “Let the children come to me for it is to such as these that the kingdom of heaven belongs.” (Matt19:13) Jesus sets in sharp contrast the indifference of “the world” and the way God sees things.

Prayer. Father, we pray to join with Rachel in lamenting the suffering of our world, especially the suffering of the innocent and the weak. May we see the world through the eyes of children – full of hope and longing! Amen.

Thursday 26 December 2013



Friday 27 December 2013


Pause. “Be silent, be still, alone, empty before your God. Say nothing, ask nothing. Be silent. Be still, just wanting him with your whole being. Let his face shine on you – that is all.”

Reading. “(They) saw the linen cloths on the ground, and also the cloth that had been over his head … (John) saw and he believed.” (John 20:2-8)  

Reflection.  In the twelve days of Christmas (up to the Epiphany) we are given a whirl of bible texts. Today, the feast of St John, we have a post resurrection scene where John and Peter enter the tomb and see no body but just the cloths in which Jesus’ body was wrapped. We are told it was enough to lead John to belief. In a companion passage, from John’s letters (1 John 1:1-4) we read “we have seen with our own eyes … we have touched … the Word, who is life..” The disciples had an experience of Jesus while he was with them and, in John’s case, that was enough to arouse faith when they did not see him. We live our life without “seeing and touching” Jesus, but we believe.

Prayer. Father, as we celebrate these days of revelation when your Son came among us in the flesh, help us to have a deep faith and joy in his presence with us now, even when we do not see and touch him.. Amen.

Wednesday 25 December 2013



Thursday 26 December 2013


Pause. “Be silent, be still, alone, empty before your God. Say nothing, ask nothing. Be silent. Be still, just wanting him with your whole being. Let his face shine on you – that is all.”

Reading. “Stephen was filled with grace and power and began to work miracles and great signs among the people.” (Acts 6:8-10; 7:54-59)  

Reflection.  It is perhaps puzzling why we move so rapidly from Christmas mode into the post resurrection life of the early church and the story of Stephen’s acts and death. I have not come across an explanation as to why we have Stephen on 26 December. I suspect it was an accident but we can make the most of it! The birth of Jesus is immediately followed by the birth of the early church. The tense days around the events in Bethlehem are mirrored by the tense days in the early Jerusalem community.  The power of the Spirit overshadowing Mary is paralleled by the pouring out of the Spirit on the early Church and particularly in the witness of Stephen to his adversaries. And this is coupled by the words Stephen says as he dies which are virtually the same as Jesus uttered as he was dying.

Prayer. Lord, as we relish the days of Christmas we recall how your birth led to the birth of the church and our new birth. We rejoice in your coming to us and all that it means for us. Amen.

Tuesday 24 December 2013


Christmas is like struggling through a thick forest and coming to a clearing and being able to look up to the sky and knowing where you are. It is a space we create each year where we pause in the midst of the bustle of life and take an eternal view of our surroundings. If we call ourselves disciples of Jesus it means we, at least, stop for a moment and reflect on the event that we remember these days of Christmas. And I believe we, in some way, represent the many people who do not think deeply about this event. We do it for them and somehow bring them along with us to Bethlehem.
It is a long story. A man called Bill Bryson wrote a book some years ago called A Short History of Nearly Everything and in it he spells out for us in simple language the astronomical dimensions of time and space which make up the preparation for the arrival of humans. We now know that the bible story took billions of years to reach that point where God “visited his people” in “Bethlehem of Judea.” He acted “when the times had run their course” (Eph 1:9) and came to “bless us whom he had chosen before the world was made.” (ibid). And Jesus himself told his disciples , “Blessed are the eyes that see what you see, for I tell you that many prophets and kings wanted to see what you see, and never saw it; to hear what you hear and never heard it” (Luke 10:23). And the people had a sense of this as when they reacted to the raising of the son of the widow of Nain: “A great prophet has risen among us; God has visited his people” (Luke 7:17).
This “visit” of God, this “living among us” (John 1:14) changed everything- not in a dramatic way like the French Revolution or the world wars of the twentieth century or the end of colonialism in Africa. It changed things as leaven changes flour or as a seed growing. Jesus rejected all forms of force and compulsion. He wanted then, and he wants now, people to grow. But they must grow organically, naturally – each according to his or her gifts and abilities. God is completely respectful of human rhythm. He is prepared to wait.
So there was a long time of preparation, a short time of his presence among us and now we live in “our time, the final days.” (Heb. 1:2). This is the time of growth, and just as the dry season and the wet season come round every year, so does Christmas. We cannot celebrate it once and for all. We have to keep coming back to it and pray, with Cardinal Newman, that “each Christmas, as it comes, may find us more and more like him, who at this time became a little Child for our sake: more simple-minded, more humble, more affectionate, more resigned, more happy, more full of God.”   
“More full of God!” This “third” age, these “final days” is the time for us to become “full of God.” Our Baptism is the beginning: it is when the seed is sown or the leaven enters the flour. But a lot has to happen later and this is our life. The Christian, the disciple of Jesus, describes his or her life as a time when they become “full of God” through their spontaneous or deliberate responses.
It is amazing how the story shifts suddenly. We have Mary and Joseph and the birth of Jesus. But as soon as this is described we move to the shepherds who were close by and to whom an angel appears and tells them the news. We are told they were terrified – everyone in the New Testament, even Mary, is “disturbed” or afraid of the Good News. I do not know how many times the words, “do not be afraid,” appear.
So, as soon as the Good News happens it is announced – and people respond. The shepherds were the first and all of us come later. This Christmas, as with every Christmas but always in a new way, we are invited to respond. This may disturb us, even frighten us, but the gospel is clear that the message is one of joy. We come to the manger with our own particular reasons for being joyful and grateful as well as our own particular concerns and anxieties and we place them there with the gifts of the wise men from the east.
On this Christmas Day we can leave the manger with a new dose of hope for the days ahead into 2014. “The people who walked in darkness have seen a great light” (Is 9:2). We leave the manger with great hope that that light will shine on us. I leave you with a word from the poet Seamus Heaney written in the dark days of “the troubles” in Northern Ireland (1969-98):        
“Human beings suffer,
They torture one another,
They get hurt and get hard.
No poem or play or song
Can fully right a wrong
Inflicted and endured.

The innocent in gaols
Beat on their bars together.
A hunger-striker's father
Stands in the graveyard dumb.
The police widow in veils
Faints at the funeral home.

History says, don't hope
On this side of the grave.
But then, once in a lifetime
The longed-for tidal wave
Of justice can rise up,
And hope and history rhyme.
“Hope and history rhyme.” There comes a moment – a tidal wave - when the hopes of people actually become real history: hope is fulfilled.

Christmas 2013.

Sunday 22 December 2013



Monday 23 December 2013


Pause. Be in the presence of the Lord.

Reading. “Who will remain standing when he appears? For he is like the refiner’s fire and the fuller’s alkali.” (Malachy 3:1-4, 23-24)  

Reflection.  We saw yesterday how Joseph was troubled by his experience and had to struggle to become “obedient by faith.” He came to accept and welcome God’s will. This can be demanding for us and Malachy calls it a “refiner’s fire”. He will “purify” his people “and refine them like gold and silver.” Today’s passage from Luke describes the birth of John the Baptist and he was to be the refiner of Israel. As we celebrate the coming of the Messiah we are called to welcome, like Joseph, the purifying that God longs to do in us that we may become his gold.

Prayer. Lord, we pray that we may welcome your presence in our lives and see our challenges as ways in which we are refined and purified that we may turn our hearts towards you. Amen.

Saturday 21 December 2013


In the week before Christmas there are various people who make an entrance onto the stage, do their bit and then pass off. John the Baptist is one, Zechariah and Elizabeth are two others and then there is Joseph. He plays a key role for a moment and then we never meet him again.
For Luke, Mary dominates the infancy story. But for Matthew it is Joseph. In the account we have there are echoes of the other Joseph, the favourite of his father Jacob, who gave him a coat of many colours. This Joseph also had dreams and also went down to Egypt. These echoes are used by Matthew to link the history of Israel with the coming of Jesus and show how Jesus is the fulfilment of the promises of God.
The first Joseph went through many trials – rejected by his brothers, betrayed to foreigners, imprisoned by Pharaoh, but in the end he “saves” his family. The second Joseph – through his “obedience of faith” (Romans) - opens the way for Jesus to come into our world. He too would be rejected, betrayed and condemned. But he would save not just his “brothers” and sisters of Israel but the whole human family.
So we look at Joseph for a moment. Something happens in his life which causes him great pain and anxiety. What is he to do? Being a “man of honour” he wants to cause as little fuss as possible. He doesn’t want to embarrass Mary but at the same time he has to act.
At this point he has a dream in which he is addressed as “son of David”. This in itself is a loaded title as it prepares us to understand that Jesus will be born into the family of David, giving him a particular human identity. Joseph’s immediate acceptance of the message opens the way for what we call Christmas, the birth of the child Jesus into a human family.
I have mentioned that Joseph’s “obedience of faith.” This is the quality that enabled him to accept his unusual role. He doesn’t know what is going on. But he accepts in anyway.
Paul introduces the phrase at the beginning of his letter to the Romans – the second reading today – and at the end. He has come to “preach the obedience of faith.” The word (obedience) enters our life early – at home, at school. And if we go into the army or indeed any form of employment we are expected to “obey” the rules and ways of the organisation. This type of obedience – to a greater or lesser degree – is enforced. If you don’t obey there are consequences. Perhaps we can call it the “obedience of fear.”
But there is no “force” behind the obedience of faith. It is not an “outward” conformity to some set of rules or procedures. It is an inward attitude of mind and heart. If my husband or wife, or someone close to me, becomes seriously ill, I have a choice. Obviously it will be a time of great pain and anxiety but, at the deepest level, do I fight it and say, “Why me? God is unfair.” Or do I try to accept this new reality and say, “this is now my life.”
Sometimes people give up on their faith because something happens and they blame God for it. There is much concern in the Church at the moment about the way we treat divorced people. Even though the Eastern Orthodox Church, which is an older Church than ours, allows divorced people to marry again, we, in the Western tradition, do not. And we may all know people who say, “well, if that is how it is, count me out.”  Their disappointment with the Church leads them to abandon their faith. “Obedience of Faith” on the other hand doesn’t change their status as divorced people – and they may or may not find themselves in a new marriage – but it does preserve their relationship with God.
The phrase, obedience of faith, means basically that I trust in God even though I do not understand. That is what the first Joseph did and that is what the second one did too. We live in a rational age where we want answers to everything instantly. Well, as we know, there aren’t immediate answers to everything. It is part of our human experience not to always see – what Newman called – the “distant shore.” For him one step was enough. The rest was a matter of trust and faith.   
22 December 2013                  Sunday 4 in Advent 1

Isaiah 7:10-14                         Romans 1:1-7                          Matthew 1:18-25

Friday 20 December 2013



Saturday 21 December 2013


Pause. Be with Mary and Elizabethin the presence of the Lord.

Reading. “Yes, blessed is she who believed that the promise made to her by the Lord would be fulfilled.” (Luke 1:39-45)  

Reflection.  We call it the “Visitation” which is a matter of fact sort of description. But the event itself was charged with energy and happiness. Mary sets out “as quickly as she could” to share her news with her cousin, Elizabeth, who is overwhelmed by her visit and catches the mood of expectation and joy. “Blessed are you among women and blessed is the fruit of your womb!” And then her third blessing: “Blessed is she who believed the promise of the Lord,” which is the basis of the other two. It is not hard to imagine these two women being beyond words to express what they felt. No wonder it took them “three months” to do it!

Prayer. Lord, help us to share in the joy and expectation of Mary and Elizabeth as we approach the celebration of the great event that changed everything. Teach us to be moulded by that event into a new creations. Amen.

Thursday 19 December 2013



Friday 20 December 2013


Pause. Be with Mary in the presence of the messenger of God..

Reading. “You are to conceive and bear a son, and you must name him Jesus..” (Luke1:26-38)  

Reflection.  We are in wonder at how God does things. In a corner of an unmarked village in a remote province of a vast empire a messenger comes to a young woman called Mary. In a short greeting he tells her she is to be the mother of one who would change history forever. He would fulfil the longings of people everywhere and in all ages. She could not take all the implications in there and then but she would ponder it all her life. Meanwhile she understood the essentials and gave her whole hearted assent to the invitation she received. “And the angel left her.” He left her to live out her life each day in the joyful hope that God would act. And we too are “left” to go on our journey with great joy and hope that our God is indeed at work in our world today.

Prayer. Lord, with joy we approach the days of Christmas, filled with hope and thanks because you are at work amongst us and in my own life. Amen.

Wednesday 18 December 2013



Thursday 19 December 2013


Pause. You are in the presence of God..

Reading. “Your wife Elizabeth is to bear you a son and you are to call him John. He will be your joy and delight and many will rejoice at his birth.” (Luke1:5-25)  

Reflection.  In speaking of the resurrection Paul describes the Lord’s appearance to him as to one who was “born when no one expected it” (1 Cor 15:8). He was speaking of his conversion but the same intervention of God lies behind the descriptions of births to women who were “barren and getting on in years.” Today this motif is played out in the birth of Samson to the wife of Manoah (Judges 13) and John the Baptist to Elizabeth, the wife of Zechariah. Samson will “begin to rescue Israel” with the jawbone of an ass (15:15) with which he slaughtered the Philistines but John will rescue Israel with his own jaw, his words preparing the way of the Messiah.

Prayer. Lord, may your Spirit open our minds to see how you draw us by your presence in our lives, how you rescue us from our fears and lead us into ways that open doors for us and for others.  Amen.

Tuesday 17 December 2013



Wednesday 18 December 2013


Pause. Be still in the presence of God..

Reading. “See, the days are coming – it is the Lord who speaks – when I will raise a virtuous Branch for David.” (Jer. 23:5-8)

Reflection.  Jeremiah wrote when Jerusalem was under threat from invasion and destruction and yet he gives this message of hope. In the gospel for today (Matt1:18-24) Joseph is filled with anxiety as he sees Mary is pregnant. He too receives a message of assurance and hope. And this is our inheritance too. We are surrounded by anxieties on a personal and a global level. Yet our life is laced through with an underlying hope in our God who works together with us to bring about his reign, the fulfilment of all. This may sound rather up in the air but each of us is assured of a breakthrough in our own lives and all of us as God’s  people will see this too on a global scale.

Prayer. Lord, in this week we receive messages of hope and assurance. Help us to translate them into our own situation that we may live each day with solid trust in you.  Amen.

Monday 16 December 2013



Tuesday 17 December 2013


Pause. Enter into stillness in the presence of God..

Reading. “A genealogy of Jesus Christ, son of David, son of Abraham.” (Matt 1:1-17)

Reflection. Today we begin the final countdown to Christmas with a description of the ancestors of Jesus. The aim is to situate Jesus in the heart of his people, the Jews. God came and “lived among us” (John 1:14) as a member of a particular people in a particular place at a particular time. That is the “incarnation”, the taking flesh as one of us. He used a particular language and gestures. He learnt particular traditions and was part of a particular social and economic set-up. In this way he assumed his place in human history where all these particularities apply to every human being. Embedded in this way he was “completely like his brothers” (Heb 2:17) and could “go ahead of them” (John 10:4) in every human experience and show how it was possible overcome every challenge even if it meant death to do so.   

Prayer. Lord, we are overwhelmed when we think that you became one of us and experienced everything as we do. Help us to become one with you and meet all the challenges of life as you did.  Amen.

Sunday 15 December 2013



Monday 16 December 2013


Pause. Be still in the presence of God..

Reading. “What authority have you for acting like this?” (Matt 21:23-27)

Reflection. The Jewish leaders ask this question of Jesus not because they are interested in his answer but because it is a ploy to trap him. The chief priests and the elders consistently appear as people interested in their own power and position and unwilling to listen to the message of Jesus with an open mind and heart. They were like the proverbial dog in the manger which enjoys the soft hay to lie on but cannot eat the hay and will not allow the ox, which wants to eat it, to come near. Woe to those in authority who do not use their position to grow in the spirit themselves and block the way for others who wish to do so.

Prayer. Lord Jesus, bless our teachers, our leaders, all those in authority and help us all to open doors to others so that we grow in your way with and through them. Lead us all, as your people, to the fullness you promise.  Amen.

Saturday 14 December 2013

The passing of Mandela

The passing of Mandela
What qualities define a great leader? The ability to inspire others? Or the ability to get things done? The easy answer is “both.” But if I had to make a choice it would be someone who inspires others. The rest will follow. Churchill single-handedly changed the course of a world war through his words. Ghandi was an inspiration to a sub-continent and has been invoked in every continent since. And then there is Nelson Mandela. The days following his death have seen unceasing coverage of his story. It is as though people cannot have enough of it. They want to soak in every detail of his “long road.” Among the multitude of reflections three stand out for me.
In his early years his embrace of the struggle probably did not differ much from that of many other fighters for freedom in Africa. But what is astonishing about Mandela was the focus he had over those long years on Robben Island and beyond. It is clear that every day, in his mental attitude and the physical regime he adopted for himself, he was preparing for the future –despite the fact that he was serving a life sentence! This practical belief in the unbelievable has to stand as one of his greatest qualities.
Then there was the time after his release when he could easily have waited for political office to be handed to him on a plate as part of some sort of inevitable process. But as the media has been reminding us over these days, there was nothing inevitable about those tense years 1990-94. I think I heard correctly that there were more deaths in those few years than in all the preceding years of the struggle. He took a firm and principled stand against would-be destroyers of the people’s hopes whether white or black. Violence on many sides, and especially the death of Chris Hani, eventually focused minds and led to the agreement to hold elections in 1994.
But even then he could not sit back and “enjoy the fruits.” Winning a landslide in an election does not necessarily bring reconciliation and peace and the media has made much, over the past few days, of his grasp of sport as the great reconciler. The film Invictus claims that he had to use all his authority to persuade people not only to accept the hated brand, Springbok, but to use it as a rallying cry to unite a nation.
People have used the word “miracle” over the past few days and rightly so. South Africa is a miracle. In the 1970s and ‘80s how many of us dreamt of such a relatively peaceful change? It still fills us with astonishment and gratitude. It would not be right to claim that it all came down to one man but there are few who would not agree that one lion-hearted man played a crucial role and his inspiration will live on for his country, his continent and the world. 

15 December 2013                  Advent Sunday 3A                 Isaiah 35:1-6,10      James 5:7-10           Matt 11:2-11             


(There is no electricity so this may not go)

Saturday 14 December 2013


Pause. Be in the presence of God..

Reading. “I tell you that Elijah has come already and they did not recognise him but treated him as they pleased.” (Matt 17:10-13)

Reflection. Sometimes we don’t recognise people we have not seen for some time. We struggle to remember their name and recall the context in which we knew them. But it can be more serious if we fail to recognise someone who could change our life. We think, if only I knew who he/she was! When Jesus stood before Pilate the governor had no idea who he was. If he had things would have been different. When the Samaritan woman stood before Jesus at the well he was filled with compassion. As a Jew and as a man he “should “ have acted differently. But in fact he went out to her and revealed to her her worth and her beauty. 

Prayer. Lord Jesus, teach us to see each person as you see them; to welcome each one we meet and show them respect and compassion; and also to receive from them what they offer. Amen.

Thursday 12 December 2013



Friday 13 December 2013


Pause. Come into the presence of God..

Reading. “We played pipes for you and you wouldn’t dance.” (Matt 11:16-19)

Reflection. I saw some people pushing a car that would not start yesterday and I thought should I stop and help them. When Jesus evokes a picture of children playing in the market place as a description of “this generation” he is pointing to the freedom we have to either accept or reject the reign of God. “We played pipes and you wouldn’t dance; we sang dirges and you wouldn’t mourn.” God has acted in history by sending his Son but people have taken no notice and carried on with their normal life. We are called to lend our weight to the great work of getting that car going, getting the wold going, joining with others to welcome and kick start the blossoming of the kingdom in our society.   

Prayer. Lord Jesus, help us to welcome the signs of your presence in our midst, the ways you work with people to inspire them to push for justice and not self-interest. Bless all those everywhere who are trying to dance the dance of your kingdom. Amen.

Wednesday 11 December 2013



Thursday 12 December 2013


Pause. Be still in the presence of God..

Reading. “Of all the children born of women a greater than John the Baptist has never been seen.” (Matt 11:11-15)

Reflection. It seems that normally in the second week of Advent John the Baptist makes his appearance. In John’s gospel it is more to introduce Jesus but in Matthew and Luke he has a fierce message of. his own: “you brood of vipers, who warned you to flee from the coming retribution? … even now the axe is being laid to the trees …” John speaks of imminent judgement. God’s reign is about to be proclaimed and he will sift the wheat from the chaff. For John this was about to happen. For Jesus “the end is not so soon.” People would be given to time to change their way of thinking and accept the gospel. Yet it is good for us to accept the dose of urgency that John gives us, It is so easy to relax. But our times are urgent and full of danger,  

Prayer. Lord, teach us to have that alertness and sense of urgency that John the Baptist gives us. We cannot rest while your reign is still only accepted in a confused way. Amen.

Tuesday 10 December 2013



Wednesday 11 December 2013


Pause. Be still in God’s presence.

Reading. “Shoulder my yoke and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart and you will find rest for your souls.” (Matt 11:28-30)

Reflection. The use of anti-depressant drugs has soared in the past decade in Iceland, Canada, the United States and China and in a number of other rich countries. People seek relief from stress in a way that can be ultimately harmful when used to excess. They find it difficult to find balance and harmony in their lives and often do not call on resources deep in their spirit that can help them. The great religions open this door and Jesus, who must have often experienced stress, instructs his disciples in a rhythm of life which can keep stress in its place. Humour, patience, a sense of proportion, prioritising our tasks and the Spirit of God in our hearts – all lead us in to this rest for out souls.

Prayer. Lord, teach us to rest in you in times of stress when we feel overwhelmed by the challenges we face. Amen.

Monday 9 December 2013



Tuesday 10 December 2013


Pause. Remember that you are in God’s presence.

Reading. “If he finds it, it gives him more joy than do the ninety-nine that did not stray at all.” (Matt 18:12-14)

Reflection. The Advent message is God’s compassion for every person and all his creation. Our media speaks of so many thousands killed in a typhoon in the Philippines. But each of these people is known to God and each represents a human tragedy. There was news only yesterday of a man arrested, assaulted, imprisoned and a bribe extorted for taking a harmless photo. That too is known to God. It is not the ninety-nine that the Lord considers but each individual person with all his or her personal joys and sorrows, hopes and anxieties. The message of Advent is that we do not suffer alone or to no purpose. Everything, even tragedy, is alive with energy and pregnant with the promise of God’s reign.  

Prayer. Lord, in our daily struggles and hopes we turn to you, trusting that, even in our small way, we are part of the great story of the coming of your kingdom. Console those who suffer and see no hope.  Amen.

Sunday 8 December 2013



Monday 9 December 2013


Pause. Call to mind that you are in God’s presence.

Reading. “I will make you enemies of each other; you and the woman, your offspring and her offspring” (Genesis 3:9-15)

Reflection. 8 December was a Sunday this year so the feast of the choice of Mary “before the world was made” (Eph. 1) is deferred to today. She was to be the woman who would “crush the head of the serpent”, “the enemy of our human nature.” But this “Second Eve” would not do it in a day or an hour, nor would she do it violently. She would do it so quietly the world would not notice. She would say her “yes” in her dwelling in Nazareth, such an insignificant town that it is not even mentioned in the lists of the towns of Galilee. This silent “yes” is taken up by her offspring in every age and place, all those who recognise her son as their brother and who put their hand to the plough to labour that the reign of God may come – not with noise and shouting – but like dewfall in April.  

Prayer. Lord, we thank you for the gift of Mary on this day of her Immaculate Conception, when we celebrate her “obedience of faith” and her fruitfulness as the Mother of all those who “yes” to you in their daily struggles and hopes.  Amen.

Saturday 7 December 2013

A tender shoot at risk

A tender shoot at risk
We are trying to find the African footballer of the year but if we were trying to find the prophet not just of the year but of the ages my vote would go to Isaiah. His words are bursting with promise and this week I am touched by his talk of shoots and roots. “A shoot springs from the stock of Jesse, a scion thrusts from his roots” (Is. 11:1). A shoot, as we know when the rains bless our fields, is that beautiful appearance of new life from the earth giving the promise of food and strength.
It is a beginning and it has to be nurtured through weeding and fertilising, fenced against animals and irrigated should the rains fail. Isaiah is not, of course, talking about farming but about God’s unfolding plan. Jesse was the father of David and David’s age was looked back to as a golden one when Israel was strong and free. But the Israel of David was a pale image for new Israel of God. Just as every person is called to reflect the image of God in whom they are made, so every human society is called to be “an image” of the perfect community God is building.
And Zimbabwe is no exception. Its destiny is to be a society where every man, woman and child, “to say nothing of the animals”(Jonah 4:11), enjoys a life of dignity, freedom, justice and peace. Every country is “groaning in labour pains” (Rom 8:22) to bring this about. The media batters us with stories from Egypt, Thailand and Ukraine to say nothing of Syria and the CAR. That little shoot is having a hard time bursting forth.
Reflecting on Zimbabwe’s story since the great turning point of 1955, one can see the “groaning” that has weighed us down for nearly sixty years. Our hopes have risen and been dashed so often that we are all just tired, listless and many have lost interest. Nothing in the papers or on the screen excites us anymore.
Yet we should not give in to this feeling of acedia. No country can avoid the backbreaking toil of forging a society that is at peace with itself. Some are further along the road than others. The battlefield is not in grand conferences and the clash of entrenched interests but in a multitude of little victories. Every time someone takes responsibility for their actions or holds another accountable they are sending out “ripples of hope” that can eventually sweep away everything that is false, febrile or feckless.
I heard recently of a minister in a foreign government who was asked by a radio interviewer on a morning show what he was going to do about misappropriated money, donated as aid, which was given by the country of the interviewer. “I did not know about it,” he said. “But, Minister, your ministry was responsible. Should you not resign?” “Resign? Why should I resign? I know nothing about it.” “But…” The interview went nowhere.
We are not alone in suffering a malaise of accountability. If there is just one thing I would hope for in 2014 it would be that the tender shoot of freedom, which we say we have, be given room to breathe, that its groaning be heard and that we stop saying, “it’s not my fault. I know nothing about it.”
8 December 2013                    Advent Sunday 2 A                 Isaiah 11:1-10         Romans 15:4-9        Matt 3:1-12


Friday 6 December 2013



Saturday 7 December 2013


Pause. Be in God’s presence.

Reading. “Jesus made a tour through all the towns and villages, teaching and proclaiming the Good news of the kingdom.” (Matt 9:35- 10:1, 6-8)

Reflection.  The people looked “harassed and dejected,” Matthew tells us, “like sheep without a shepherd.” As the whole world mourns the death of Mandela and draws inspiration from him as a shepherd, we can reflect on how much a leader can do. He or she has huge influence for good or ill in our lives. We rejoice when we have good leaders but we also know that they are fragile and can go either way. The message of Advent is that we are not ultimately dependent on them, however good, or bad, they are. We have one “leader” who does not change. He is the same “yesterday, today and forever.” And his “policy” is always the same: to bring life, the reign of God, into the hearts and homes of people everywhere.   

Prayer. Lord, we thank you for the life and inspiration of Nelson Mandela. Teach us how to be shepherds in our own way, how to open doors, console those in pain, reconcile those in disputes and encourage each other on our journey.  Amen.

Thursday 5 December 2013



Friday 6 December 2013


Pause. You are in God’s presence.

Reading. “Do you believe?” “We do.” And their sight returned. (Matt 9:27-31)

Reflection. In this first week of Advent we have signs of the arrival of the Messiah, the Christ, the one who was to come to. One was the opening of the eyes of two blind men. On the physical (medical) level it was wonderful to be able to see again. We can imagine what it would mean. But this was just the beginning. What Jesus really wants to show was the fullness of sight; the ability to really see what God was offering to all men and women. To see the trees, the mountains, the football and the videos, was one thing. To see the whole plan of God for his people and ultimately to see God himself was quite another.


Prayer. Lord, that I may see! That I may be able to see beyond the things my eyes present to me; to see the realm you are opening up. Amen.

Wednesday 4 December 2013



Thursday 5 December 2013


Pause. You are in the presence of God.

Reading. “He built his house on rock. Rain came down, floods rose, gales blew and hurled themselves against that house, and it did not fall.” (Matt 7:21, 24-27)

Reflection. Jesus came to proclaim the reign of God and he looked for a response. The perfect response was to believe in Him as the Son of God, the one who would wipe out all offence and lead men and women to the fullness of a share in the divine life. The belief he looked for was to be something solid and unshakeable, something that would withstand the storms of life, the disappointments and temptations that assail every person. He used the image of a rock, something that is so secure and when we see one we can safely say it has been there for millions of years. And he built his church on this rock. In fact he even called Simon by a new name, Peter, the Rock. This is the promise of Advent: a human response – to which we are all called – that can withstand any crisis.    

Prayer. Lord, I grew from an embryo and so did my faith. Strengthen it, Lord, through my daily responses to the events of life so that it may grow rock-like and withstand the pressures that come. Amen.

Tuesday 3 December 2013



Wednesday 4 December 2013


Pause.  Be in the presence of God.

Reading. “They all ate as much as they wanted and they collected what was left of the scraps, seven baskets full.” (Matt 15:29-37)

Reflection. Early Advent is full of the promise of abundance. Everyone is cured. Everyone has their fill. These are signs of the Messianic age when the promise to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob was being fulfilled for Israel and through Israel there would be a superabundance for all the nations. None of us is without a deep yearning for a fulfilment that we know is beyond our reach now – despite what the advertisers tell us. We long for a solution to all that we know is incomplete in our lives, our relationships and in our society. Everything is transitory and already has the seeds of decay as soon as it is made. We sense that there must be a solution to all this chaos one day and we are right.   

Prayer. “May He support us all the day long till the shades lengthen and the evening comes and the busy world is hushed and the fever of life is over and our work is done; then in His mercy may He give us a safe lodging and a holy rest and peace at the last.” (John Henry Cardinal Newman).

Monday 2 December 2013



Tuesday 3 December 2013


Pause.  Be still in the presence of God.

Reading. “Happy the eyes that see what you see, for I tell you that many prophets and kings wanted to see what you see and never saw it; to hear what you hear and never heard it.” (Luke 10:21-24)

Reflection. On 3 December each year we keep the feast of Francis Xavier. Jesus walked the roads of Galilee and Judea but hardly ventured beyond the borders of Israel. Paul travelled the highways of the empire, reaching “Illyricum” (Croatia) and Rome. Xavier travelled the oceans of the world reaching India and Japan and died on the doorstep of China. Today the frontiers are no longer of road or sea but of the human heart and the shanty towns we have built across the earth. These are as difficult frontiers to cross as those our forebears faced because there is so much resistance to change. But the gospel message today is of rejoicing: change is breaking in for those with eyes to see and ears to hear.     

Prayer. Lord, we rejoice that the gospel message exploded across the earth through the generous hearts of people like Paul and Xavier. Help us in our time to cross the frontiers we face in our world that resists the message of change and conversion. Amen.

Sunday 1 December 2013



Monday 2 December 2013


Pause.  Be still and enter into the presence of God within.

Reading. “When Jesus heard this he was astonished and said to those following him … I tell you that many will come from the east and the west to take their place with Abraham, Isaac and Jacob at the feast in the kingdom of heaven.” (Matt 8:5-11)

Reflection. Advent kicks off with descriptions of the gentiles streaming to Jerusalem to take their place in the feast of the kingdom. Israel has opened the door to the nations though the welcome the patriarchs gave to the call of Yahweh. Now the time has come for all the nations “from the rising of the sun to its setting” to enter into the reign of God. The gospel captures the joyful astonishment of Jesus as he notices the faith of the Roman centurion and it is the note of joy with which we approach Advent. Jesus relishes the moment. The reign of God has come. The invitation is announced. All that remains is for “the nations” to realise it and take notice of what is offered. Advent is the time when we strain ourselves like an athlete to reach out to the promise.  

Prayer. Lord, we rejoice in this time of promise. With hearts full of gratitude we ask you to help us to reach out for the promise that you offer us. Amen.

Saturday 30 November 2013

Streaming to the city

Streaming to the city
Advent opens with “all the nations streaming to God’s city.” Jerusalem is the “true pole” of the earth (Ps 48). People head for the city like Brent geese flocking in their thousands to their breeding grounds in northern Canada. Or like the wildebeest that migrate in huge numbers to their summer pastures in the Serengeti. There is a great physical sense of movement which was seen in the Jewish pilgrimage to Jerusalem for the yearly Pasch or as people of the Muslim faith stream to Mecca for the Hajj.
This is the image in Isaiah and for us as we enter Advent it is a spiritual journey of faith, a setting of our compass towards the true pole of our life. Advent means “coming” and of course we are told from our youth that it is a time of preparing for the coming of Jesus at Christmas. But in a sense this is misleading since he has already come and the last thing we want to do is to celebrate some ancient event merely as an excuse for shopping, eating and drinking.
If Jesus has already come – and he has – what are we celebrating?  We are certainly not looking forward to his coming, unless one is thinking of his second coming and there seems to be little point sitting around waiting for that, as Paul pointed out some time ago (2 Thess 3:11). No, he has already come and the gospels all speak of this. For example, “Blessed are the eyes that see what you see! For I tell you that many prophets and kings desired to see what you see, but did not see it, and to hear what you hear, but did not hear it” (Luke 1:23-24).
So the focus in Advent is not about Jesus’ coming but about our coming. We are called to come to Jerusalem, in other words, to accept totally that he has come into the world and established his reign. It is not a reign of power and police but a gentle reign of invitation and acceptance. It is two thousand years since the definitive and final proclamation of his reign and how does the world look after all that time? There has been terrific progress and I am not just talking about i pods and air travel. The progress is also in the human spirit. People are more free today than they have ever been. People have more chances now than ever to make their own choices about how to use their talents and what profession to follow, and the gospel has been proclaimed, and partly accepted, in every corner of the earth.
But as soon as we say such things we know of the bleak shadow that hangs over us. There are so many for whom these things are not true and there is still so much injustice and pain. We still have a long way to go on our Advent journey before we make our own what we already have; where we embrace the Jesus who has already come. Perhaps it is something like our little corner of the world: Zimbabwe. Many of us remember how we longed for it to come. And we eventually got it. It is a fact. But we still have not owned it. In this sense we too are “advent” people on a journey to unwrap the parcel we already have.     
1 December 2013        Advent 1 A

Isaiah 2:1-5                 Romans 13:11-14                    Matt 24:37-44  

Friday 29 November 2013



Saturday 30 November 2013


Pause.  Be still and recall you are in God’s presence.

Reading. “Peter and Andrew left their nets at once and followed him.” (Matt 4:18-22)

Reflection. The twelve apostles, whose feasts are dotted through the year, remind us that the people of God, the Church, is founded on a group of individuals who responded to the call of Jesus. His proclamation of the reign of God as not totally ignored. There were some, a few, - and that’s the way it still is today – who “left their nets.” They followed him. Today we remember Andrew and it is a moment to remember too the ancient churches of the East where he is especially venerated. In a great act of reconciliation on the feast of the Epiphany in 1964 on the Mount of Olives in Jerusalem, Patriarch Athenagoras gave Pope Paul VI an icon of Peter and Andrew embracing, and the two leaders of the churches of East and West themselves embraced.

Prayer. Lord, teach us to “leave our nets” and follow you wherever you will lead us. We pray for our churches that we may follow the road to reconciliation and unity. Amen.

Thursday 28 November 2013



Friday 29 November 2013


Pause.  Be still an enter into your own silence within.

Reading. “When you see these things happening, know that the kingdom of God is near.” (Luke 21: 29-33)

Reflection. Jesus speaks of catastrophic events and a budding fig tree. They are signs of the breaking in of the kingdom. At this time of year more than ever there is an urgency to accept and believe that the reign of God is among us. It is “near” in the sense that we have not yet fully embraced it. But it has “already here” in the sense that Jesus has announced it and, in his own coming, has inaugurated it. God has, as it were, now entered into his inheritance. What remains is for us to welcome it. And, looking around the world, we can say; yes, we have welcomed the Lord in many ways but there is still some way to go. Our daily struggle is to make our own what we already have. It is something like the independence of a country, like Zimbabwe, for example. Yes, we are independent. That is a fact. But we have not yet “owned” that independence.

Prayer. Lord, you have inaugurated the reign of God but we have not fully welcomed this great event. Help us to develop the capacity to fully embrace your rule, your will, which gives freedom and peace. Amen.

Wednesday 27 November 2013



Thursday 28 November 2013


Pause.  Be still. Enter into your silence within.

Reading. “For great misery will descend on the land and wrath on this people. …When these things begin to take place, stand erect, hold your heads high, because your liberation is near at hand.” (Luke 21: 20-28)

Reflection. We like building houses, planting fields, buying a nice car and settling down. We long for peace, order and a settled comfortable life. Good! But how come the readings at the end of the church’s year are full of foreboding, threats of war, vengeance and misery? There will be tsunamis and typhoons, droughts and fires, disease and accidents. And the Son of Man will come and we are to stand erect and hold our heads high. Perhaps two thoughts come: whatever we build here is only provisional; it is no more than a campsite on a journey. And the second thought is that trial is built into human life; it was part of Jesus’ life and it will be part of my life. It is not a disaster; it is part of the great human journey to God.  

Prayer. Lord, how ever much I want to settle down help me to see that everything is provisional and fragile and can change in a moment. But you do not change and you steadily draw me to yourself no matter what the circumstances of my life. Help me to trust. Amen.

Tuesday 26 November 2013



Wednesday 27 November 2013


Pause.  Enter into your silence within.

Reading. “You will be hated by all men on account of my name, but not a hair of your head will be lost. Your endurance will win you your lives.” (Luke 21: 12-19)

Reflection. Durare is a Latin word meaning to harden. In the Lenten readings on the Passion there are the words of Isaiah that the Suffering Servant “set his face like flint”. In these final days of the Church’s year we have passages about the trials the early Christians were to face.  And we are to see in these words an application to our own times and lives. There is no avoiding the struggle. Most of us may not be betrayed and arrested but in countless ways life makes tough demands and our calling is to patient, even joyful, endurance in the face of adversity. In this way we witness to the great ultimate plan of God for his people.  

Prayer. Lord, help us to answer your call to endure – not in some kind of stoical loveless submission but – in joy and patience, knowing that we tread the same “way to life” that you walked when you “set your face towards Jerusalem.” Amen.

Monday 25 November 2013



Tuesday 26 November 2013


Pause.  Enter into the silence within.

Reading. “You will hear of wars and revolutions, do not be frightened, for this is something that must happen but the end is not so soon.” (Luke 21: 5-11)

Reflection. There is sometimes a longing to end it all. As children we long for the end of term. As adults we are curious about the end of the world. There were great expectations in the year 999 and again, in our time, in 1999. Why do people long for the end? Jesus said it is a distraction; it is something to take people’s minds off the present. There are things to be done now in the complexities of our personal, social and political life. To spend time dreaming about the end, or preaching about it, is to avoid the thing in hand. The end of the world will take care of itself if we do our work now.  

Prayer. Lord, teach us to concentrate on the tings at hand; the things we can create, influence or improve. Do not let us be distracted by fantasies and false promises. Amen.

Sunday 24 November 2013



Monday 25 November 2013


Pause.  “It is in silence that we shall hear a voice deep within.” (Basil Hume)

Reading. “I tell you truly, this poor widow has put in more than any of them; for these have all contributed money they had over, but she from the little she had has put in all she had to live on.” (Luke 21: 1-4)

Reflection. The poor widow in the temple did not contribute more money than the others but she contributed more of herself. And that is what touches the heart of Jesus. Some would call it reckless; what was she going to do now? She would have to beg from others. But others would recognise the quality of unconditional generosity: giving without counting the cost. She does something wild, like Francis Xavier setting out for India with no real preparation. And we see her trust, that if she gives everything to God he will take care of her needs, Even that is not a calculation for to really trust is no make no calculation at all!

Prayer. Lord, teach us to be generous; to give without counting the cost. Teach us to trust without calculating the outcome. Teach us to love without attaching conditions. Amen.

A broad perspective

A broad perspective
The murky world of crime and punishment is inhabited by people who can also rise to greatness and holiness. When Jesus was dying on the cross the general mood of the bystanders was one of jeering and mockery. “After all his claims, now look at him!” But there was one man who found it within himself to break with the mood and make an independent stand; “Jesus, remember me when you come into your kingdom.” 
The gospel preserves this amazing act of defiance against the trend. Here was a man willing to stand out, and he was a criminal. We know Jesus’ answer, “indeed, today you will be with me in paradise.” There were crowds of people who welcomed Jesus with palm branches into Jerusalem the week before but there was only one now, and he a criminal.
The Church’s year ends today – next week will be Advent – and it does so with a bang. Not only do we have this amazing confession from a criminal but we have words that seem very far removed from the abandoned figure dying on a cross. It is astonishing how quickly the Church came to see this crucified Jesus of Nazareth as the Lord of all history.  “In him were created all things in heaven and on earth: everything visible and everything invisible … before anything was created he existed and he holds all things in unity … God wanted all things to be reconcile through him …” (Col 1: 15-20).
This breadth of vision – this seeing the Lord of all in a crucified man – carries over into seeing the dignity and destiny of all our brothers and sisters. There are no exceptions. There is news today of an agreement between the Iranians and six other countries about its nuclear enrichment programme. For more than thirty years Iran has been isolated and distrusted. The one word the media keeps coming up with is ‘trust’.
For all this time there has been no trust but now there is a beginning of trust. Just a little bit of trust can be something to build on, whether it is in a marriage going through difficulties or relations between states. It is a risky step to trust someone. Some feel more secure if they can build walls and fences and have armed guards. Then you don’t have to make the effort to trust.  But to trust is to say, “Wait a minute, these people are no different from us. They have the same basic needs and hopes as us. ‘Look we are your own flesh and blood.’” (2 Sam 5:1).
Maybe I am wrong, but as far as I know this is the first ever agreement negotiated by a Muslim state and a group of states marked by Christian origins that has ever be negotiated on the basis of equals. It is progress.  
24 November 2013     Christ the King C
2 Sam 5:1-3                 Col 1:11-20                 Luke 23:35-43   

Friday 22 November 2013



Saturday 23 November 2013


Pause.  “It is in silence that we shall hear a voice deep within.” (Basil Hume)

Reading. “Now, he is God, not of the dead, but of the living; for to him all men and women are in fact alive. Some scribes then spoke up. ‘Well put, Master,’ they said.” (Luke 20: 27-40)

Reflection. Jesus’ adversaries often tried to catch him out by posing dilemmas or impossible cases for him to solve. They wanted to reassert their influence with the people by proving this new prophet was confused and did not know the law. Jesus sidesteps them and raises the exchange to a higher level. God is a God of the living: whether they are dead or not to him they are alive. Sometimes we are uncomfortable when challenged and we try hard to retreat to some solid ground – usually ‘custom’ or ‘tradition’ – where we feel secure. The gospel constantly calls us beyond our ‘securities’ to a higher level of being and living.

Prayer. Lord, help me to move beyond the comfort of my position, the ways in which I feel secure. Help me to respond to your call. Amen.

Thursday 21 November 2013



Friday 22 November 2013


Pause.  “It is in silence that we shall hear a voice deep within us speaking to our nobler selves, calling us to high ideals and generous instincts.” (Basil Hume)

Reading. “So stay awake, because you do not know the day or the hour.” (Matt25: 1-13)

Reflection. I have yet to meet anyone who cannot remember exactly where they were when they heard the news of the assassination of President John F. Kennedy on this day 50 years ago. I was a student and we were at supper and I can tell you the table and the chair I sat on. We were totally shocked, numbed. How could this happen? Across the world people were inspired by him no matter what their political differences. His violent removal seemed to make each of us poorer, even orphans. We had placed so much hope in someone we thought would make the world a better place. And now he was gone and no one could do a thing about it. With all our technology and information which we think can control just about everything we discovered our limits. And it was painful.

Prayer. Lord Jesus, give us a deep sense of our fragility and our need to always have you as part of our perspective. In times of tragedy let is not despair but know that you are there. Amen.

Wednesday 20 November 2013



Thursday 21 November 2013


Pause.  “It is in silence that we shall hear a voice deep within us speaking to our nobler selves, calling us to high ideals and generous instincts.” (Basil Hume)

Reading. “Everyone who heard it was astonished at what the shepherds had to say. As for Mary, she treasured all these things and pondered them in her heart.” (Luke 2:15-19)

Reflection. In the year 431 the Church held a Council at Ephesus which is noted for its declaration that it is correct and good to call Mary, “Mother of God.” Some were shocked but soon there was universal acceptance of the title and celebrations were held and churches built in her honour. Today honours her Presentation as a young girl in the temple and recalls that she herself was the living temple of the Child that was to be born into our world. She “pondered in her heart” all the events she had witnessed and her own part in them. She shows us how to penetrate into these astonishing events and allow them to open up our own hearts to receive the Word and become “living temples.” Those of us who live in Zimbabwe celebrate with the Presentation sisters today especially in that their founder, Nano Nagle, has just been honoured by the Church with the title of “Venerable.”  

Prayer. Lord Jesus, teach us to ponder “these things” with your Mother Mary and so become imbued with your life giving Spirit.  Amen.