Tuesday 9 March 2021

Day 22, Wednesday, 10 March ‘Do not let these things slip from your heart.’



Day 22, Wednesday, 10 March 

‘Do not let these things slip from your heart.’

At this stage in Lent there is a reminder of the covenant between God and his people forged in the desert (Deuteronomy 4:1, 5-9). The covenant, like a book of instructions for a new tool, lays down what to do. If you follow the instructions things will work and you will be happy. If you don’t read the instructions, or ignore them, you will proceed by guessing and you may damage the tool and things may fall apart and you won’t be happy.

The instructions in the desert were basic but they were a foundation. Jesus says in Matthew (5:17-19), ‘build on them’ as a teenager builds on her or his primary education. The point here is about freedom. Freedom is not about doing what I like without any reference to others or to the real world, for example, of medicine. Freedom is about choosing what is life-giving for me and for others and this immediately imposes limits.

If I want to irrigate a field, I can’t just empty a tanker of water on it; it will only reach a small part of the field and the rest will run off and be wasted. No, I have to direct (limit) the water to pipes or channels so that the whole field feels the moisture and receives life from it.

So it is with the ‘new’ covenant given us by Jesus on another mountain (Matthew 5: 1-12). ‘Blessed are the poor in spirit’ who choose to be free. They are not slaves to money or power or property. They may have them but they do not dominate their life. They are free. The Queen of England’s grandson and his wife felt these things were crushing them and they have chosen to opt out. They have chosen to be free.

So we look at our choices. There are good choices and there are better choices. A poignant example of this is given in Luke (10:38-42), where Martha makes a good and necessary choice. But then Jesus tells her that Mary has made an even better one!

‘Do not let these things slip from your heart’ says Moses in the book quoted above.



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