Monday 28 May 2018i
into the stillness of God within.
Reading: “My children,” Jesus said to them, “how hard
it is to enter the kingdom of God! It is
easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter
the kingdom of God.” They were more astonished than ever. (Mark 10:17-27)
Reflection. As someone from Ireland I
am reflecting deeply about the choice of
a “Catholic” nation in voting in access to abortion a few days ago. It is a frightening thing to deliberately end
the life of a human being even in the earliest stage of growth. “How hard” it seems to be for many to share
this view. They will say they do not see
it this way and the right and dignity of the mother to choose comes first. Well, we are divided on this but “how hard”
it seems to be to allow the child to come to birth. Even if the mother cannot
mind the child herself there will be others who can. “How hard” too it seems to be for many to
welcome other “unwanted” people – migrants, disabled and others who are “different”. “How hard” it is to accept challenges which
seem to disturb us. There are many ways
of being “rich.”
Prayer. Lord, help us to grasp the
values of the kingdom of God: courage, hope, compassion and faith. Amen
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