Wednesday 12 September 2018



Tuesday 11, 2018


Tuesday 11, 2018


Enter into the stillness of God within.

Reading.  “It happened in those days that Jesus went onto the mountain to pray: and he spent the whole night in prayer to God. When day came he summoned his disciples and picked out twelve of them.”  (Luke 6:12-16)

Reflection. I have not written these reflections for some time.  I found it impossible when contstantly on the move. But I am about to return to Africa after a long break and I hope to settle down in one plece again! Apologies, if I have disappoinbted anyone by my silence.
I find today’s reading a good place to restart.  This simple short description, in the gospel writers’ usual economic style, actually announces th start of the community that Jesus founded, which we call the Church. He committd his work to human beings, with their weaknesses; their desire for power, advancement and wealth, their jealousies and evasions of duty and so forth. The faults of the Church were fully listed in the Irish papers recently when the pope visited. Yet Jesus handed over to us, weak people, the work of bringing about his kingdom.  We may feel unequal to the task butthere is no one else to do it.

Prayer. Lord, help us to grasp the meaning of your words “When you pray, say ‘Thy kingdom come’.  Amen 

Enter into the stillness of God within.

Reading.  “It happened in those days that Jesus went onto the mountain to pray: and he spent the whole night in prayer to God. When day came he summoned his disciples and picked out twelve of them.”  (Luke 6:12-16)

Reflection. I have not written these reflections for some time.  I found it impossible when contstantly on the move. But I am about to return to Africa after a long break and I hope to settle down in one plece again! Apologies, if I have disappoinbted anyone by my silence.
I find today’s reading a good place to restart.  This simple short description, in the gospel writers’ usual economic style, actually announces th start of the community that Jesus founded, which we call the Church. He committd his work to human beings, with their weaknesses; their desire for power, advancement and wealth, their jealousies and evasions of duty and so forth. The faults of the Church were fully listed in the Irish papers recently when the pope visited. Yet Jesus handed over to us, weak people, the work of bringing about his kingdom.  We may feel unequal to the task butthere is no one else to do it.

Prayer. Lord, help us to grasp the meaning of your words “When you pray, say ‘Thy kingdom come’.  Amen 

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