Thursday 11 February 2016



Friday 12 February 2016   


Pause. Enter into the stillness of God within.

Reading: “Then will your light shine like the dawn and your wound would be quickly healed.” (Isaiah 58:1-9)

Reflection. On this first Friday of Lent the invitation to conversion becomes sharp and compelling. “You oppress your workers on your fast days.” You perform the outward duties of religion but you neglect the inner journey of connecting with the person beside you. You control your life without being opento mystery. Today Patriarch Kirill meets Pope Francis in Cuba. It has taken a jump of imagination for both to meet again after 1000 years. No one knows where all this will lead other than ultimately to restored union. What we celebrate today is the beginning – a step in the journey to remove barriers between people

Prayer. Lord, bless our efforts, great and small, to break down the barriers between people. Amen.

1 comment:

  1. It is very challenging this reading. We have grown up in a culture where we show remorse or forgiveness by outward signs like buying a gift or doing sonething nice to compensate for the shortcomings. However, the reading is challenging us that even if these acts can be true signs of change and repentance is our heart trully repentant or is this all part of the disguise of our human frailty.
