Saturday 1 August 2015


It seems once we win one battle another looms. The Greeks, to whom we owe the very concept of democracy, were part of the great win/win achievement when Europe organise herself into a community for mutual benefit. Together with many countries in Europe, it seemed like the final step in ending forever a long history of oppression by powerful neighbours.
But the peace did not last. A new oppression has emerged. It is not violent and if it kills it does it in hidden ways. The oppression is economic. Greece’s partners in Europe blame her for not managing her affairs. But commentators point out that the whole economic system was skewed against her and her citizens are now facing ruin because those same “partners” demand repayment of loans that are totally beyond her ability to repay. So much for the concept of  “community!”
In intense anger Greece has fought back and all Europe is scrambling to ask “how did we get it so wrong?” Africa seems to show little interest and in the country where I live Greece’s trauma is tucked away in brief articles in the middle pages. That is a pity for the Greeks are showing resilience and are determined to be awkward! The smooth running of the system just won’t do. “Peace! Peace! And there is no peace.” Good! Someone has the courage to scream at the emptiness of a hollow system. Surely we should take notice?
Where does this energy to rebel, to question and to be awkward come from? It clearly comes from an inner source, an inner power. We can put different names on that energy but many of us would call it the Spirit of God. There is a moment in John’s gospel where Jesus meets a broken women who can’t even face going to the well with others. She can’t face their taunts. She goes on her own at the hottest time of the day when there is no one around. She meets Jesus and one thing leads to another and he speaks of this Spirit and the woman is transformed.
Later he meets not an individual but a whole crowd and he speaks of the same Spirit but this time in the form of bread which people can eat and it becomes a part of them. Most don’t buy his message and move off. But a seed is sown and a few stay. And these gradually start a movement which is unstoppable despite persecution and indifference. A force came into the world that will simply not lie down in the face of injustice. “Give us that bread always,” the people plead. It is the bread of energy, struggle, questioning and engagement in the questions of our time.  
2 August 2015                                    Sunday 18 B
Exodus 16:2…15                                Ephesians 4:17…24                          John 6:24-35


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