Monday 22 September 2014


PRAYER MOMENT                      

Monday 22 September 2014.


Pause. Be still in God’s presence.

Reading: “Take care how you hear; for anyone who has will be given more; from anyone who has not, even what he thinks he has will be taken away.” (Luke 8:16-18)

Reflection. ‘Anyone who has will be given more.’ It sounds unfair, as unfair as giving someone who comes at the eleventh hour the same wage as one who worked all day in the heat. Jesus often uses these paradoxes. He says unexpected things. He wants to disturb us like a good teacher who comes out with provocative remarks in his class. He wants people to think. ‘Take care how you hear.’ As we move towards the end of the year we will have more of these ‘stay awake’ parables and sayings. It is so easy for us to drift, to cruise, to live on ‘automatic’ in our ‘comfort zone.’ The gospels are full of the unexpected. The important thing is not to become used to the gospel. To read it always afresh. ‘Take care how you hear!’ It all comes down to what we want. What are we looking for? . The Christian journey is a journey inwards, into our own depths to discover our deepest longings.

Prayer. Lord Jesus, do not allow me to drift along, unreflective, unaware, just reacting to events as they come. Teach me to be alert and attentive, ever seeking. Amen  
David Harold-Barry SJ

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