Thursday, 5 April 2018



Easter Friday, 6 April 2018


Enter into the stillness of God within.

Reading: Peter addressed the rulers, elders and scribes, “… it was by the name of Jesus … the one you crucified, whom God raised from the dead … that this man is able to stand up.” (Acts 4: 1-12)

Reflection. After Jesus raised Lazarus the Jews, we are told, wanted to kill him, Lazarus! Now after they had killed Jesus, they want to silence the apostles and even kill them too.  But our Easter readings tell us of the new energy that Jesus’ death and resurrection bring.  There is now no possibility of crushing the message of the gospel. They can kill and frustrate as much as they like but God is now actively at work and his purpose will be achieved. In Isaiah we find the words about the rain falling on the earth and not returning to the heavens until it has done its work. So it is today; God is at work amongst us and, despite all the frustrations and setbacks and infidelities of his people, there is a force at work in the world that pushes forward and brings improvement in personal lives and in the community at large. We are on the way. Easter joy is not emotional, ephemeral.  It has a solid basis.

Prayer. Lord, open our hearts and minds to welcome your Spirit working in our lives  Amen 

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