Monday 23 October 2017
Pause. Enter into the stillness
of God within.
Reading: “This is the faith that was
‘considered as justifying’ Abrahaml.” (Romans 4:20-25)
Reflection. Paul is absorbed by the
transition from “rules” (the law) to faith. It makes all the difference to our
life. It opens the door to going beyond the “normal”. The widow made an
offering in the temple of “all” she had and would,in the new age, receive care
and food, as we know in fact happened in the early Christian communities where
widows were cared for. Karl Rahner’s prediction that the Christian today would
be a mystic or else not a Christian at all sounds ever more wise as see “rules” losing force all round us.
Prayer. Lord, may we grow deeply into
an understanding that you stand at the door and knock. Amen.
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