Thursday 28
July 2016
Pause. Enter into the stillness of God
Reading: “Have you understood all this?” They
said, “Yes.” (Matt 13:47-53)
Reflection. They said “yes” to Jesus and they
really meant it. Or, they thought they understood. But they didn’t. They still
had a lot of learning to do and they fumbled their way through. As we approach
the feast of St Ignatius (31 July) we could reflect how he thought he
understood at Loyola. He didn’t. It took time and much heart ache for the
breakthrough at Manresa to arrive. We are to patient with ourselves, laughing
at our failures to understand and rising again and again as we discover ever
more the way of the Lord.
Prayer. Lord, may we be surprised by joy - time and time again, and not allow frustration
to make its home within us. Amen
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