Wednesday, 2 September 2015



Thursday 3 September 2015, Gregory the Great


Pause. Enter into the stillness of God within.

Reading: “For he and all his companions were completely overcome by the catch they had made.” (Luke 5:1-11)

Reflection. Luke likes to record breakthroughs. Elizabeth is over come by the visit of “the Mother of my Lord” and Zaccheus changes his extortionate way of life overnight just because Jesus looks at him. And Jesus also looks at Peter when the cock crows and Peter weeps bitterly for himself and for all of us in our lack of recognition at that look that nevers leaves us. And when he rises from the dead “they stand there dumbfounded” (Luke 24). Gregory, a Roman civil servant, experienced that look and it changed his life. He went on to leave a permanent mark on the Church through his writings, his liturgical prayers and his engagement with the politics of his time.

Prayer. Lord, may we be “overcome” by your love for us and lead us to share our faith in you with others. Amen.

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