Thursday 10 January 2019
Enter into the stillness of God within.
Reading. “He has sent me to bring good news to
the poor … This text is being fulfilled today even as you listen.” (Luke 4:14-22)
Reflection. This is announcement time.
By actions and by words each day around the Epiphany we learn something
new is happening: the beginning of the fulfilment of the desire of every human
heart. It is now possible to reach
beyond the limited horizons of our ancestors.
A new vision and mission is announced that can find its way into the corner
of every person’s life. Can we hold the vision? Or do we turn aside and say,
who is this? He is just the son of the carpenter. Do we burnish the image, as
one would regularly polish the family silver? Or do we let it tarnish? It is a huge
challenge for us to continually stoke the fire of faith and generosity. So easily we slip into zones of comfort.
Prayer. Lord,
help us to persevere day by day in focusing on your love and your mission.
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