Wednesday, 28 August 2013



Thursday 29 August 2013


Pause. You are in the presence of God. Be still.

Reading. “When Herod heard John the Baptist speak, he was greatly perplexed, and yet he liked to listen to him.” (Mark 6:17-29)

Reflection. Herod was a raw politician who knew what he wanted and was used to getting his way, even if it extended to his brother’s wife, Herodias. John spoke out against this and found himself arrested. Herodias wanted him got rid of him but Herod dithered. He liked listening to John. He was attracted by the man and his message. But in the end he could not bring himself to act on the good feelings he had about John. He allowed himself to be pushed by his wife into the killing of an innocent man. It is so obvious in the story who comes out of it with integrity. There is something of that dithering in us. We know what is the right thing to do, as Paul says in Romans Ch. 7, but we find it hard to bring ourselves to do it.      

Prayer. Lord Jesus, as we celebrate this day of John the Baptist, give us the wisdom to see what we ought to do and the courage to do it. Amen.

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