Tuesday, 2 October 2018



Wednesday 3 October 2018


Enter into the stillness of God within.

Reading ”Foxes have holes and the birds of the air their nests, but the Son of Man has nowhere to lay his head.” (Luke 9:57-62)

Reflection. Jesus gives us three short dramatic images today to underline the urgency of giving ourselves to being the presence of God in the world and “soeading the news of his kingdom.”. To be baptised is to commit oneself to this work and sometimes we are given dramatic examples to light our way – though not necessarily to literally follow.  Only yesterday I heard  a description of how John Bradburne arrived at Mutemwa for the first time in 1969, driven there by Heather Benoy, and his his protest to her that he knew he must now forget everything else and devote his life here.  He was horrorfied by what he saw there but he knew that God was granted a wish that was deep down within him even if  - on the surface – he was repulsed by what he saw.

Prayer. Lord, help us, each in our own way, to embrace the call you give us, even if itt seems very like the cross you carried.  Amen.

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