Saturday, 7 February 2015


PRAYER MOMENT Saturday 7 February 2015 THROUGH JESUS Pause. Enter into the stillness of God within. Reading: “Through Jesus, let us offer God and unending sacrifice of praise.” (Hebrews 13:15-21) Reflection. I am in Europe at the moment, Ireland to be precise, my original home, and people remark on the great changes in recent years. One area is in religious belief. Years ago nearly everyone went to church but perhaps if you look at why they went you might find many did it because everyone else did it. Now people feel free to go or not go and young people may see ‘church’ as just one other adult activity they are free to adopt or not. And if they have not had the opportunity to ‘touch the clothes’ of Jesus, like the woman in the gospel, to get to know Jesus, they well choose to opt out. Religion today is about coming to know and love a person or it is nothing at all. Prayer. Lord, teach us to know you, to discover you in your people and to come to love and follow you. Amen. David Harold-Barry SJ

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